Which Of The Following Sentences Demonstrates Proper Subject Verb Agreement

Which of the following sentences demonstrates proper subject verb agreement – Which of the following sentences demonstrates proper subject-verb agreement? This question delves into the intricacies of grammar, exploring the fundamental principles that govern the harmonious relationship between subjects and verbs. Understanding these rules is essential for effective communication, enabling us to convey our thoughts with clarity and precision.

As we embark on this grammatical journey, we will unravel the secrets of subject-verb agreement, examining both correct and incorrect examples. Through this exploration, we will gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances of language and the importance of adhering to these grammatical conventions.

Subject-Verb Agreement: Which Of The Following Sentences Demonstrates Proper Subject Verb Agreement

Which of the following sentences demonstrates proper subject verb agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar. It refers to the matching of a verb with its subject in terms of number and person. This ensures that sentences are grammatically correct and convey clear meaning.

Understanding the Basics

The subject of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is described by the verb. The verb is the word that describes the action or state of being. In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the verb must agree with the subject in number and person.

For example, if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

Rules Governing Subject-Verb Agreement, Which of the following sentences demonstrates proper subject verb agreement

  • Singular subjects take singular verbs.
  • Plural subjects take plural verbs.
  • When a compound subject contains both singular and plural nouns, the verb agrees with the closest noun.
  • When two or more singular subjects are joined by “and,” the verb is plural.
  • When two or more plural subjects are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb is singular.

Identifying Subject-Verb Agreement Errors

Errors in subject-verb agreement can occur when:

  • The subject and verb do not match in number.
  • The subject and verb do not match in person.

Here are some examples of sentences with incorrect subject-verb agreement:

  • The cat eats its food.
  • The students is studying for the test.
  • Either John or Mary go to the store.

In the first sentence, the subject “cat” is singular, but the verb “eats” is plural. The correct sentence should be “The cat eat its food.” In the second sentence, the subject “students” is plural, but the verb “is studying” is singular.

The correct sentence should be “The students are studying for the test.” In the third sentence, the subject “Either John or Mary” is singular, but the verb “go” is plural. The correct sentence should be “Either John or Mary goes to the store.”

Demonstrating Proper Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject Verb
The boy runs
The girls sing
John and Mary are
Neither the teacher nor the students is

In this table, the subjects and verbs agree in number and person. The subject “boy” is singular, so the verb “runs” is singular. The subject “girls” is plural, so the verb “sing” is plural. The subject “John and Mary” is plural, so the verb “are” is plural.

The subject “Neither the teacher nor the students” is singular, so the verb “is” is singular.

Applying Subject-Verb Agreement in Writing

To ensure proper subject-verb agreement in writing, it is important to:

  • Identify the subject and verb in each sentence.
  • Determine the number and person of the subject.
  • Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and clear.

FAQ Resource

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical rule that dictates that the verb in a sentence must match the number and person of its subject.

Why is subject-verb agreement important?

Subject-verb agreement is important because it ensures that sentences are grammatically correct and easy to understand. When the subject and verb agree, it creates a sense of balance and harmony in the sentence.

How can I improve my subject-verb agreement?

To improve your subject-verb agreement, practice identifying the subject and verb in each sentence. Once you have identified the subject and verb, make sure that they agree in number and person.